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Key Features
A proud Space Marine Chapter of the First Founding, the Blood Angels fight both to protect the Imperium, and to protect themselves from their own hidden failings. Though they are amongst the best, most heroic warriors Mankind has ever known, they harbour a terrible inner darkness – a gene-curse that gradually reduces them to raving, blood-mad beasts as the years grind against their souls. Before they descend into that fate, however, they will exact such a toll on their enemies that their names will live forever.
Totally compatible with all existing multi-part Space Marine kits, this upgrade pack contains a sprue of amazing parts for Blood Angels fans. Twenty parts are included, featuring the following:
Ten Blood Angel Shoulder Pads
One Blood Angel Sergeant Bare Head
Three Blood Angel Sergeant/Captain Helmets
One Blood Chalice assembly
Two Blood Angel Chest fronts
One Blood Angel Combat Knife
Two Blood Angel Back Icons
Warhammer 40,000
Warhammer Age of Sigmar
The Horus Heresy
The Old World
Middle Earth
Other Games
Build & Paint
Black Library
The White Dwarf Magazine
Amprenta Scazuta
Together Green
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