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Carte Regulament Warhammer40k, GW, Arks of Omen Farsight

Prețul inițial a fost: 226,00 lei.Prețul curent este: 150,00 lei.

Comenzile depuse pana la ora 13 ajung urmatoarea zi la tine.

Stoc epuizat

Key Features 

  • Book 4 in the Arks of Omen series
  • Commander Farsight faces a desperate battle for survival as a massive Balefleet interrupts his victory over the Orks
  • New ways to play Boarding Actions, such as Dark Depths games, multiplayer missions, and extra rules for five factions
  • Book 4 in the Arks of Omen series
  • Commander Farsight faces a desperate battle for survival as a massive Balefleet interrupts his victory over the Orks
  • New ways to play Boarding Actions, such as Dark Depths games, multiplayer missions, and extra rules for five factions