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Carti Warscroll WhAOS, GW, Warscroll Cards Maggotkin of Nurgle

Prețul inițial a fost: 99,00 lei.Prețul curent este: 99,00 lei.

Comenzile depuse pana la ora 13 ajung urmatoarea zi la tine.

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Key Features 

  • An easy way to reference your rules
  • Contains 27 warscroll cards – one for each of the Maggotkin units
  • Also includes 30 tokens to keep track of all your spells and effects

Stay focused on the war at hand with this essential set of reference cards that cover every single unit found in Battletome: Maggotkin of Nurgle. You’ll also get 30 tokens that will help you keep track of your myriad powerful abilities.

In this pack, you’ll find:

– 27x warscroll cards for all Maggotkin units
– 2x double-sided token sheets tailored to the spells, abilities, and battle tactics of the Maggotkin