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Key Features
Repugnant to other Necrons, Ophydian Destroyers echo elements of servile Canoptek Wraiths and reviled Flayed Ones in their murder-optimised bodies. Tunnelling through solid ferrocrete with frenzied violence and flickers of dimensional displacement, they burst into view to ambush, hack and rend their prey apart.
Slice your way through enemy units with the fast and deadly Ophydian Destroyers. Armed with hyperphase weapons and Ophydian claws, little can survive an attack from these floating killers. You can accompany your unit with a Plasmacyte who can power up the Destroyers. The kit comes with six different heads, meaning that you can customise your Destroyers.
This 57 part plastic kit makes three Ophydian Destroyers and a Plasmacyte. It is supplied with three 50mm round Citadel bases and a 28.5mm round Citadel base.
Slay your enemies with these floating killers
Cut through anything with hyperphase weaponry
Power up your Destroyers with a Plasmacyte
Warhammer 40,000
Warhammer Age of Sigmar
The Horus Heresy
The Old World
Middle Earth
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Black Library
The White Dwarf Magazine
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