98,00 lei Prețul inițial a fost: 98,00 lei.78,00 leiPrețul curent este: 78,00 lei.
Comenzile depuse pana la ora 13 ajung urmatoarea zi la tine.
2 în stoc
Key Features
Silicone Painting Mat
Silicone Painting Mat
GSW Painting Mat is designed to be the perfect hobby accessory for any painter or sculptor. Made of flexible silicone, it can be rolled up to fit easily in a hobby toolbox. It is full of drawings, guides, and patterns where you can practice painting. There are different areas where you can test your blends and color mixtures. The mat has been manufactured of a soft-touch silicone that will protect your table from paint spillages, which makes it perfect for your hobby cave or any other place that you do not want to make a mess. Manufactured in a light bluish color, very pleasing to the eye, which neither interferes with paint mixtures nor with taking pictures. The antislip backing provides a firm grip on the table preventing it from sliding. Easy to clean with water or alcohol, or even in the dishwasher.
This set contains a painting mat. Size: 600x400mm (23,6×15,7inches).
Do not cut with sharp tools or cutters on this mat as this could irreversibly cut it.
This is not a cutting mat.
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E1cB00Wxqzw[/embedyt]
Warhammer 40,000
Warhammer Age of Sigmar
The Horus Heresy
The Old World
Middle Earth
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Build & Paint
Black Library
The White Dwarf Magazine
Amprenta Scazuta
Together Green
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